This resonates! I wrote in my own post this week the following:

Over the years, both before and during my disability, I had a string of aborted solopreneur enterprises and creative projects. They didn’t fail outright but rather lacked the undergirding faith necessary to persist. I couldn’t grope my way through the dark of realizing my vision. My expectations exceeded my capacity and rather than letting my vision carry the load incrementally, I buckled under the weight.

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Rob, I'd love to talk. I'd like to present an alternative approach, an animist one: business as a collaboration with the psychofauna Technocapital.

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hell yeah, i'd love to talk about this as well, even though i'm only like 63% sure of what psychofauna technocapital means lmao. feel free to shoot me a message here or on twitter and we can jam on it!

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May 17Liked by rob hardy 🦌

So excited to see you in my inbox again, especially around the topic of joyful business 1,000 true fans, etc. I love writing, but it has been mostly a hobby for me. Lots of internal struggle between pursuing a creator business to do the writing I love, vs. a “real business” and doing writing on the side, as a hobby. All that to say, I’m excited to see you back 😂❤️

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15

Hey Rob, been a while since our last email. I've been there. What I've found is that this sort of thing happens because we know deep down that whatever we were working on lost meaning. I believe the sustainable way is to find (or align with) a purpose greater than ourselves. You have great skills that can be channeled to much more, perhaps into what I'm building (see my substack). Happy to talk elsewhere if interested!

PS. Also working on a post (#2) to all burnt-out, lost, and drifting creators coming within the next day or so

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Beautiful Rob! And I resonate so much with the idea of joyful business. It's an ongoing curiosity of mine how out grand (or small) visions and proactive creation of what we want to see in the world can be from presence, non-coercion, joyful connection.

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