rob 🥹 I feel super proud of you for being so vulnerable like this. It takes a lot of courage to open up your insides and share it on the net. but it makes you all the more stronger and sturdy for doing so, i believe. 🤍

looking forward to reading about your journey now up ahead. you’re going to make big moves. sending lots of support and love and healing your way. 🌊

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Thank you for writing something so in depth, involved, and of length, that I had to stop and make an internal note to come back when I had the time and space needed to read it.

It is beautiful to have something to look forward to <3 I look forward to swimming in the depths of your world soon.

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Brave, raw, and authentic.

"You lost a job and community you cared about." -- I can certainly relate.

Thanks for sharing, and wishing you all the best as you keep moving on your journey.

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This is a letter many if us could write, but haven't.

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Remember who you are.

I love this. Beautiful prose, beautiful art. I read the whole thing with the soundtrack playing ad you suggested, and it was quite powerful. The Leftovers is quite a deep show.

The way you wove your trip in Chile in with your life experience was well done my friend. I relate to quite a bit of what you wrote.

May we continue to walk through the valley together. And may we both remember we are forgiven, and loved.

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This is the most beautiful reflection I've ever read! I see it as a gift for anyone who struggles with the extremes of shame and grandiosity but does not know how to see and accept themselves as messy, imperfect humans.

I believe that we all share the same compassionate inner voice within all of us; a voice of universal love and awareness only if we are willing to listen.

Thanks for showing up and sharing the deepest corners of your heart and the wisdom of your inner voice. This made my day! :)

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Thank you, Rob. This letter resonates deeply with me. I have experienced similar devastating things this year and had panic attacks (like your heart attack scare) over my whole life. Even in deep valleys where it seems as it would never end, there is an innate resilience in all of us.

It speaks to us through insight from a place of silence and I can hear it also in your letter.

I learned so many self-help methods, studied psychotherapy and been to endless gurus, just to realize in the end, that the well of wisdom is on the inside. You got this too. It's the greatest resource - not the talents on the outside. The perfectionism is just a symptom of your thinking mind, that wants to take control. Don't mess with symptoms - go upstream to the source.

Here are some book recommendations for you for the holidays on the "inside out understanding" that changed my life:

A little peace of mind - Nicola Bird (great for beginners)

The Path of no Resistance - Garrit Kramer (my all time favorite)

and Clarity by Jamie Smart

No methods to learn there - no self-help work - just plain and simple understanding how life works.

If you need any help, feel free to get in touch.

Much love,


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It takes tremendous strength and courage to donwhat you have done and written what you have written. I’m rooting for you, for your healing, for continuing to embrace the acceptance that eludes people who have sought to control eveything like us.

Thank you for writing this.

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Thanks for your courage, Rob

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It’s one of the few things I find on Substack that’s actually worth reading. Genuine raw gritty life choosing beyond the patterns that keep us stuck.

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Raw, unadulterated truth. How refreshing it is to drink from the Source of our inner wisdom. Your channelled writing reminds me of the Conversations With God material (check it out on YouTube if you're unfamiliar - it will surely resonate). Big love brother.

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Rob...you have always impressed me as someone who is creative and thinks about business, creation, and life different than 99% of everyone else. That is great in that it adds new ideas to the universe rather than re-hashing what others have said and written.

The downside is sometimes things will not work out as intended. You can't steal first base with one foot on first. If you are creative, though, sometimes the experiments won't work, which is a learning opportunity...and you always seem to be awesome at learning from your experiments. Again better than 99% of people.

Being a 1% also means that you do not fit into easy patterns or models. Society rejects 1% as alien to the culture. That makes it harder to feel that you are doing the right thing, especially when you are running into resistance and setbacks.

If we had room, I would offer you a place to stay in Central Florida. Living with my ten kids might change your thoughts about fatherhood, or it might be a good apprenticeship. But if comes to it, let me know, and we will find space.

Remember when you had financial and business success, it was not luck. It was a reflection of you and your special genius. You will be there again.

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Oh man, thank you so much for the kind words and the offer, Chris! If I'm ever in central Florida, would love to hang out and chat about fatherhood. Speaking of which, congrats on being so prolific in the kid making department, even though I imagine it's wild up in that house!

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It has been a long time since I have read something so honest and so real. A work of true, heartbreaking courage. Bravo, brother. Bravo.

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So relatable on many levels, Rob. Thank you!

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Hi Rob, I just sent you a message.

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Wow! that was a powerful piece of writing Rob, coming from an authentic voice and so vulnerable. I admire your courage to write this and want to thank you for doing so. This piece of writing will no doubt touch others hearts and a lot of people will resonate with what you wrote.

I am with you in your journey and fully support you.

Rock on Rob and thanks again for writing this and being so honest, truthful and vulnerable.

Sending you heaps of healing vibes your way.

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